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Tankleen VO RX vegoil and Hard Stains Remover
Tankleen VO Rx is an excellent cleaner proven to reduce the amount of cleaning time on other vegoil cargoes as well
Tankleen VO Rx is an excellent cleaner proven to reduce the amount of cleaning time on other vegoil cargoes as well. Tankleen VO Rx is a high quality blend of chemicals and also use for the cleaning and passivation of stainless steelproducts. For veg oil cleaning, this advantage can be up to 50% compared to traditional cleanings. Due to the excellent cleaning properties, the product works on many vegoil cargoes, such as:
- Palm Stearin
Vegetable oils and Fatty acids tend to leave white stains when cleaned with the most commonly used cleaning solutions, especially the cargo deriving from palmoil and high melting point vegetable oil cargo can account for challenging cleanings. In most cases a two phase cleaning is performed or suggested with an alkaline cleaning and subsequent acid cleaning to remove the white stains. An alkaline cleaning is preferably performed using fresh water as high alkalinity and seawater will intensify the formation of stains. Hardness salts in combination with high alkalinity and Fatty Acids will precipitate as white stains. Tankleen VO Rx prevents formation of precipitations from hardness salt and removes the vegetable oils in one step, even using seawater.
Tank cleaning instructions::
In case PFAD is present, it is strongly recommended to start with a 1- 2% solution of Tankleen VO Rx . Heat the solution up to at least 60 °C and circulate for at least 2 full cleaning cycles. It is advised to rinse tanks and systems after the cleaning. Tankleen VO Rx is suitable to be used on epoxy coatings and stainless steel, it is not suitable to be used on zinc coated tanks.
Consider the below for cleaning with Tankleen VO Rx is
- The prewash, if performed, should always be done at a temperature of at least 15 °C higher than the melting point of the cargo.
- The prewash, recirculation solution and hotwash can also be performed withseawater
Final rinse should be performed with fresh water to remove salt deposits
A rule of thumb is to have for every 500m3 tank volume at least 1m3 of cleaning solution containing 2 - 3% Tankleen VO Rx .
Hardness stains– Tank cleaning
Cleaning with 2% Tankleen VO Rx at a temperature of 60-70 oC to the tank wash machine.
Tank cleaning– PFAD & vegetable oil 2 - 4% solution or; In case of recirculation at least 30L per 500m3 tank volume.
Hardness stains 2 % solution
- Accelerated removal of PFAD and other vegetable oil residues
- Save up to up to 50% in cleaning time
- NO Prewash when cleaning via slob tank depending on set-up
- Can be used with sea and fresh water
- Removes hardness and rust stains
- Safe on epoxy coatings and stainless steel
- Hydrocarbon free cleaning
Test Typical Value
Specific Gravity @ 15°C...………. 1.25
Approx. wt./litre…………………... 1.2 kg/l
Viscosity @ 40°C...………………. 6 cps
Form...……………………………... Liquid
Flash Point ...................................None
Water solubility .............................Complete
pH …………………………………...2