ProShield Corrosion Inhibitor 900
Powerful solution used in RO permeate as a corrosion inhibitor in steel systems

Gravel Media 10 mm
Gravel Media 10 mm

MembraneClean MC 33 Alkaline RO Cleaner
Membrane cleaner developed to support the cleaning of iron oxides, hydroxides and acid-insoluble sulfates of calcium, barium and strontium as well as calcium fluoride

MembraneGuard MG 11 Silt Remover
Remove organics, silt and other particulate deposits from polyamide, polysulfone and thin film composite membrane surfaces

RO Membrane Clean LOW pH
Low pH cleaner formulated to remove severe calcium carbonate scaling and moderate metal fouling and metal-organic Complexs

Phosphonic Acid Solution
Phosphonic acids are ideal for formulating detergent formulations due to their ability to bind heavy metals, Protect against Corrosion, soften water and effectively disperse contaminants.

Scale Inhibitor Antiscalant
Very power full superior product which making the film to protect the Corrosion and antiscalant in Pipe line and equipment where supplies hot and cold water.

Dichlor is a chlorine compound used to purify swimming pool and spa water. Its full name is sodium dichloro s triazinetrione or dichloroisocyanuric acid.

RO Scale Inhibitor
The main components of the product and mode of scale anti scalant pH control calcium masking.

For use in completion and oil drilling fluids and for industrial use