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T-RUST Safe Rust Remover
Eco Friendly and Environmentally Sound Rust Remover, Which have very fast rust disssolving action and formulation. This product is safer then harash acid and based on glycol, So After cleaning neutralization not require like other grades of RUST REMOVER, Simply surface can be flush / rinse with water.
Dilution Ratio: Ready to use.
Its balanced pH formulation makes it easy to use at home. It is also effective for many mineral based soils such as metal stains, water stains and rings. Even removes mineral scale and hard water stains from many hard surfaces.
Boiling Point (oF) : 212º F
Vapor Pressure (mmHg.) : N/A
Vapor Density (AIR=1) : Heavier than air
Solubility in Water : 100%
Specific Gravity(H2O=1) : 1.01
Percent Volatile by Volume : N/A
PH (1% Solution) : 4.5
Appearance & Odor : Liquid, non-viscous, faint sweet odor