Primary tabs

Sulfuric Acid LR 2.5Ltrs
CAS Number of Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9
Linear Formula of Sulfuric Acid H2SO4
Molecular Weight of Sulfuric Acid 98.08
Sulfuric acid : 98.999%
When concentrated Sulfuric Acid and water are mixed, a tremendous amount of heat is released due to ionization of the acid. For instance, adding 1 volume of concentrated Sulfuric Acid to an equal volume of water (both at 25°C) results in a temperature rise to over 135°C. Therefore, the acid should always be diluted by adding it to the water. If the water is added to the acid, spattering could result which creates a hazardous situation and the possibility for severe chemical burns. The use of a 1 + 1 dilution of Sulfuric Acid with water (50% Sulfuric Acid, Group No. 8180) offers a much safer alternative in many instances when the use of Sulfuric Acid is required. For example, when 1 volume of concentrated Sulfuric Acid is added to 3 volumes of water, the temperature rises from 25°C to over 90°C. When the same solution is made by diluting 1 volume of 50% Sulfuric Acid with 1 volume of water, the temperature rises to less than 50°C.