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For use in completion and oil drilling fluids and for industrial use
Sodium bromide is used to prepare dense fluids used in oil wells, Because of its density, sodium bromide is used as a completion, work-over and packer fluid in oilfield applications.
And Sodium bromide can be used as a source of the chemical element bromine. This can be accomplished by treating an aqueous solution of NaBr with chlorine gas. When used with an oxidizer, such as sodium hypochlorite, sodium bromide is an excellent biocide. It has wide industrial applications, including water treatment and pulp & paper manufacturing.
Sodium Bromide is a pesticide used in formulating liquid sodium bromide microbiocides for the control of algal, bacterial and fungal slimes in industrial water treatment as well as municipal wastewater applications.
Other applications for sodium bromide also include photography and medicines.
Sodium Bromide Solution is an inorganic compound with the formula NaBr.nH2O. It is a high-boiling colorless, odorless liquid that resembles sodium chloride. It is a widely used source of the bromide ion and has many applications. Sodium Bromide (NaBr) liquid is a single salt used to form clear- brine workover and completion fluids.
Sodium Bromide fluids are used where formation pressures require densities from 8.4 to 12.8 lb/gal (1,007 to 1,534 kg/m) or where the formation waters contain high concentrations of bicarbonate and sulfate ions. NaBr can be mixed with NaCl to obtain densities up to 12.8 lb/gal (1,534 kg/m). NaBr/NaCl systems are more economical than pure NaBr solutions.
Sodium bromide stockist and supplier in INDIA and Exporter to Middle East. For use in completion and oil drilling fluids and for industrial use. bromide is a salt with the formula NaBr, widely used as an anticonvulsant in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its action is due to the bromide ion (potassium bromide is equally effective). Sodium bromide (NaBr) is a single salt clear brine fluid. It is available in 40% to 46% concentration.