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CARBOL FUCHSIN DILUTE staining solution ziehl Neelsen

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Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Kakinada, Gangavaram, Krishnapatnam, Rawa, Nellore, Rajahmundry
Lab Chemical-60

CARBOL FUCHSIN DILUTE staining solution ziehl Neelsen

Product Description: 

carbol fuchsin dilute staining solution  identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. Acid-fast organisms have a lipoid capsule that has a high molecular weight and is waxy at room temperature. 

Product Application: 

For Microscopy. Ready-to-use staining solution for the purpose of bacteriological and histological investigation of sample material of human origin.

Product Procedure: 

Carbol fuchsin (0.3%) was prepared from 33 ml of the above solution diluted to 100 ml with distilled water before use.

Product Note: 
Ziehl-Neelsen stain is a useful differential staining to detect acid-alcohol resistant bacteria among
them the identification of mycobacteria, although it does not allow the differentiation of different
species. The acid-resistance characteristic of these microorganisms makes this coloration a rapid
method in the presumptive diagnosis of mycobacterial infection. 
Fuchsin and retain color despite the action of acid and alcohol.Ziehl-Neelsen stain is a useful differential staining to detect acid-alcohol resistant bacteria among
them the identification of mycobacteria, although it does not allow the differentiation of different
species. The acid-resistance characteristic of these microorganisms makes this coloration a rapid
method in the presumptive diagnosis of mycobacterial infection. Mycobacteria are colored red by
Fuchsin and retain color despite the action of acid and alcohol.
Product Technical Specification: 

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Product alias: 
<p> CARBOL FUCHSIN DILUTE staining solution ziehl Neelsen</p>

CARBOL FUCHSIN DILUTE staining solution ziehl Neelsen