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Descalex/Safe Acid Powder supplier Distributor Manufacturer in Visakhapatnam india

Vizag   Chemical is a leading manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, traders, dealers, retailers, producers of  Descalex/Safe Acid Powder available across Visakhapatnam  India.

Vizag   chemical is one of the leading manufacturer, supplier and exporte of Marine chemical, Construction Chemicals,Miscellaneous Industrial SuppliesOil & Gas,PaintPaper Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals Plastic Manufacturing,Printing Inks,Soaps & DetergentsTextiles,Water Treatment & Pool allied products and services in Visakhapatnam   India.

Descalex/Safe Acid Powder  is a dry acid cleaner formulated toremove rust and scale deposits.The most effective Descaling is accomplished by circulation. In the case of small components, thesoak method in an immersion bath can be used. If the equipment to be cleaned is contaminated by oil, grease and sludge, then pre-cleaning with Sea clean Plus or Enviro clean. Depending on the extentof scaling, use a solution of 2.5-10% Descalex. The solution will have a red color which disappears when the solution is neutralized. Whenever possible, the solution should be heated to 60°C. Neutralized solutions can be reactivated by adding more Descalex until the red color reappears. This should not be done more than twice. Descalex should not be used on aluminum, zinc, tin orgalvanized surfaces. Descaling of Boilers, Descaling of Diesel Engine Cooling Water Systems, Condensers, Evaporators, Clarifiers, Heat Exchangers:- The strength of the acid can be enhanced by
adding 1 part sodium chloride (common salt) to 20 parts of Descalex. This enhancement of the cleaning solution, however, should not be used when descaling diesel engine cooling water systems. After use of Descalex a 0.5% solution of Alkalinity Control in fresh water should be used for neutralization.

Features, Benefits and Applications:-

1. Dry acid cleaner contains inhibitors to protect metals.

2. Contains color indicator to show the strength of the solution and anti-foam agent.

3. Safe and easy handling and storage.

4. Fast and effective scale remover.

5. Removes scale from boilers.

6. Removes scale from diesel engine cooling water systems.

7. Removes scale and rust from condensers,evaporators, heat exchangers etc.

We try our best to supply every chemical you may wish to buy. However, if there is something you can’t find, feel free to contact us and we will find just what you are looking for and offer you a competitive price. For more information or to request a particular product, call customer services or Given website Email address.

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