Primary tabs

Sodium Acetate Anhydrous is the anhydrous, sodium salt form of acetic acid. Sodium acetate anhydrous disassociates in water to form sodium ions (Na+) and acetate ions. Sodium is the principal cation of the extracellular fluid and plays a large part in fluid and electrolyte replacement therapies.
Sodium acetate anhydrous is used as an electrolyte replenisher in isosmotic solution for parenteral replacement of acute losses of extracellular fluid without disturbing normal electrolyte balance. Sodium acetate is an organic sodium salt.
Sodium acetate can prevent bacteria cultivation in a wide range of acidic region. It also functions as a buffer as well. When used to add sour taste to food, acetic acid is generally selected, but combination of sodium acetate and acetic acid can make the taste mild.
A solution of sodium acetate (a basic salt of acetic acid) and acetic acid can act as a buffer to keep a relatively constant pH level. This is useful especially in biochemical applications where reactions are pH-dependent in a mildly acidic range (pH 4–6).