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Corrosion Scale Inhibitor for Open Closed Cooling systems ECO

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Product Delivery Locations: 
Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Kakinada, Gangavaram, Krishnapatnam, Rawa, Nellore, Rajahmundry
Scale and corrosion inhibitors for open recirculating cooling water systems
Product Description: 

Multifunctional molybdate scale & corrosion inhibitor for open recirculating cooling water systems

RXSOL-40-4022 is a versatile molybdate-organophosphonate blend of scale and corrosion inhibitors for open recirculating cooling water systems. RXSOL-40-4022 is designed for systems with corrosive water (low hardness and/or low alkalinity). RXSOL-40-4022 will provide protection over a wide range of operating parameters.

It's pH booster mecahanism raise pH to provide additional corrosion protection.

Product Application: 

RXSOL-40-4022 is also recommended for zeolite softened water system (low hardness/high alkalinity). In these applications, the upper alkalinity limit is 2000 ppm.

RXSOL-40-4022 will not provide excellent corrosion protection unless the calcium level in the recirculating water is > 100 ppm as CaCO3.

Product Procedure: 

First of all clean all deposits prior to startup of the RXSOL-40-4022 dose. 
A new or recently cleaned system must be pretreated to ensure maximum program performance.  After pretreatment, blow down the system to remove inorganic phosphate. Do not feed RXSOL-40-4022  until the phosphate level is below 3 ppm. For systems converting from a chrome/zinc or zinc program, blowdown the system to obtain chrome levels less that 5 ppm and zinc levels below 1 ppm. The recommended minimum continuous dosage depends on bulk water return temperature. RXSOL-40-4022 is intended for industrial use only.


Product Note: 

It should not be fed to potable water systems.

Product Technical Specification: 

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Product alias: 
<p> Accepta 2508, Ferrofos 8577, MAXTREAT 2715, INDION 8176 ANTI SCALE DISPERSANT OR EQUIVALENT MAXTREAT 2715, Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor for open and closed cooling systems ECO, Aquatreat 202, PERFORMAX PM3601</p>

Features of Corrosion Scale Inhibitor which can be used for both Open and Closed Cooling Systems

  • Corrosion Scale Inhibitor for Open Closed Cooling systems ECO is a very efficient dispersant for hardness-salts and metallic-oxides.

  • Corrosion Scale Inhibitor for Open Closed Cooling systems ECO is also a very efficient corrosion-inhibitor.

  • Corrosion Scale Inhibitor for Open Closed Cooling systems ECO contains sequestrants, anionic polymers and wetting-agents.

  • Corrosion Scale Inhibitor for Open Closed Cooling systems ECO has been developed to avoid or remove deposits composed of calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, magnesium hydroxide, iron oxide, insoluble phosphates and silicates.

  • Corrosion Scale Inhibitor for Open Closed Cooling systems ECO may be applied in closed, open and once-through cooling-water systems, desalinisation plants, phosphoric acid plant and all other systems where above mentioned deposits will occur.

Corrosion Scale Inhibitor for Open Closed Cooling systems ECO