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Ultrasonic Cleaner Alkaline
Ultrasonic Alkaline Cleaning agent. Effectively and Intensive cleaner for the ultrasonic bath. RXSOL Ultrasonic Alkaline Cleaniner is blended with alkaline, demulsifying, concentrate. ULTRASONIC ALKALINE CLEANING SOLUTION is versatile, highly alkaline and water solvable solution used mainly for Mild Steel and Stainless Steel. It is specially used for removing the carbon, oil etc. using dipping method.
Ultrasonic Alkaline Cleaner solutions is a very versatile chemical finding various applications. We have wide range of ultrasonic solutions.
RXSOL-16-3006-210 versatile, highly alkaline and water solvable solution used mainly for Mild Steel and Stainless Steel. It is specially used for removing the carbon, oil etc. using dipping method.