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Phenolphthalein Indicator
Phenolphthalein Indicator Powder and solution manufacturer and supplier. Lab Reagent chemicals Resulting colour is deep pink in alkaline medium.
Product Name ::: Phenolphthalein ( White ) IP
CHEMICAL NAME ::: : 3, 3 Bis (p-Hydroxyphenyl) Phthalide
CAS NO. ::: : 77-09-08
Identification : Dissolve in dilute solution of alkali hydroxides & in hot solution of alkali carbonates forming red solution which is decolorized by dilute acids.
Phenolphthalein is used as an acid or base indicator where, in contact or presence of acid, it will turn colorless and with a base, it will turn into a fuchsia color. It is also a component in universal indicator, a solution consisting of a mixture of pH indicators (usually phenolphthalein, methyl red, bromothymol blue, and thymol blue).
Phenolphthalein is basic indicator which remain colorless in acidic and neutral solution and turns pink or magenta in basic solution. If few drops of NaOH is added again to the same solution, the solution become basic and the pink color of the phenolphthalein reappears.