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Sodium Thiocyanate is an organic sodium salt which is the monosodium salt of thiocyanic acid
Sodium Thiocyanate is an organic sodium salt which is the monosodium salt of thiocyanic acid. It contains a thiocyanate.It is an odorless white solid. Sodium thiocyanate is the chemical compound with the formula NaSCN.
Construction Industry : Sodium thiocyanate is used in the cement industry as an initial strengthening agent. The chemical enhances and strengthens bonding and acts as a grinding helper. Also, the use of sodium Thiocyanate prolongs the lifespan of cement. When preparing concrete, the chemical aidsin accelerating hardening. So, it’s a critical setting accelerator in concrete admixtures.
Agrichemical Industry :Weeds and pests pose a significant change to agricultural production. Sodium Thiocyanate is effective in preparing pesticides and herbicides for the sector. Its potency is unmatched as it destroys weeds and pests, aphids and thrips. As a powerful phytotoxic compound, sodium thiocyanate kills different herbs and pests within no time.
Sodium thiocyanate (NaSCN) is normally used as a kind of food preservative in daily life, but using excessive NaSCN in milk would cause the low absorption of iodine in human body, and then would make the normal secretion of thyroid hormone disorder. In this study, we developed a method combines AgNPs and MIL-101(Fe) which is a kind of Metal organic frameworks materials as a kind of composite Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) substrate and achieved the determination of NaSCN in spiked milk.