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Manganous oxide /Manganosite /manganese monoxide /Hypomanganous oxide supplier distributor Manufacturer in visakhapatnam parawada andhrapradesh india

vizag chemical is one of the leading lab chemicals exporter,  chemical manufacturer, l chemical supplier and  chemical distributors in India. we have a wide range of chemicals that we manufacture and supply around the world. With years of experience in the field , today vizag chemical is the biggest all chemicals manufacturers in India. Making deals worldwide and having a long list of clients.

Manganese(II) oxide is an inorganic compound with chemical formula MnO.It forms green crystals. The compound is produced on a large scale as a component of fertilizers and food additives.

Other names

Manganous oxide
manganese monoxide
Hypomanganous oxide

Structure, stoichiometry, reactivity

Like many monoxides, MnO adopts the rock salt structure, where cations and anions are both octahedrally coordinated. Also like many oxides, manganese(II) oxide is often nonstoichiometric: its composition can vary from MnO to MnO1.045

Below 118 K MnO is antiferromagnetic MnO has the distinction of being one of the first compounds to have its magnetic structure determined by neutron diffraction, the report appearing in 1951 This study showed that the Mn2+ ions form a face centered cubic magnetic sub-lattice where there are ferromagnetically coupled sheets that are anti-parallel with adjacent sheets.

Manganese(II) oxide undergoes the chemical reactions typical of an ionic oxide. Upon treatment with acids, it converts to the corresponding manganese(II) salt and water. Oxidation of manganese(II) oxide gives manganese(III) oxide.


Together with manganese sulfate,
MnO is a component of fertilizers and food additives.
 Many thousands of tons are consumed annually for this purpose.

 Other uses include:

 a catalyst in the manufacture of allyl alcohol,
colored glass
 bleaching tallow
 textile printing.

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