Barium chloride supplier Distributor Manufacturer in Visakhapatnam india

vizag Chemical is your company for quality chemicals from world-class suppliers Manufacturer of Barium chloride  to meet your formulation needs in visakhapatnam India.

vizag chemical is one of the leading manufacturer, supplier and exporte of Marine chemical, Construction Chemicals,Miscellaneous Industrial SuppliesOil & Gas,PaintPaper Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals Plastic Manufacturing,Printing Inks,Soaps & DetergentsTextiles,Water Treatment & Pool allied products and services in visakhapatnam India


Barium carbonate | Supplier and Producer‎ | Visakhapatnam India


We are one of the main producers and providers of Barium Carbonate. The offered barium carbonate is generally utilized in the definition of barium salts, shades, earthenware production, glass, ferrite magnets and acidic soft drink. Our provided barium carbonate is exceptionally acclaimed for longer timeframe of realistic usability and immaculateness. The offered barium carbonate is accessible at exceptionally practical market rates.
