Saltwater soap info Chemical Man

Saltwater soap, also called sailors' soap, is a potassium-based soap for use with seawater. Inexpensive common regular commercial soap will not lather or dissolve in seawater (or also "hard water" from calcium) due to high levels of sodium chloride in the water. Similarly, common soap does not work as well as potassium-based soap in hard water where calcium replaces the sodium, making residual insoluble "scum" due to the insolubility of the soap residue. To be an effective cleaning agent, soap must be able to dissolve in water.

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What do you take salt tablets for?

It is best if you strive to get your sodium from both sports drinks and salty foods -- as opposed to salt tablets -- for two reasons. Salty foods stimulate thirst, and it is possible to ingest too much salt with tablets but very difficult with food.

What can salt tablets be used for survival?
