Primary tabs

Oils and grease removal product name by Chemist chemical Man

The effective removal of oils and grease is dependent on the characteristics of the oil in terms of its suspension state and droplet size, which will, in turn, affect the choice of separator technology. Oil in industrial wastewater may be free light oil , heavy oil, which tends to sink, and emulsified oil often referred to as soluble oil. Emulsified or soluble oils will typically require "cracking" to free the oil from its emulsion. In most cases, this is achieved by lowering the pH of the water matrix.

chemical elements of Mars Planet description by chemical Man

Besides silicon and oxygen, the most abundant elements in the Martian crust are iron, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, and potassium. Oxidation of the iron dust is what gives the surface its reddish hue.

mars surface composition

Mars is the "Red Planet" for a very good reason: its surface is made of a thick layer of oxidized iron dust and rocks of the same color. Maybe another name for Mars could be "Rusty." But the ruddy surface does not tell the whole story of the composition of this world.

Industrial water treatment depiction, delineation, description by chemical Man

There are many uses of water in industry and, in most cases, the used water also needs treatment to render it fit for re-use or disposal. Raw water entering an industrial plant often needs treatment to meet tight quality specifications to be of use in specific industrial processes. Industrial water treatment encompasses all these aspects which include industrial wastewater treatment, boiler water treatment, and cooling water treatment.

