Mineral oil supplier distributors/manufacturers/ in visakhapatnam india
vizag chemical is Mineral oil 'Bulk chemical producer' and 'International Supplier' Please contact all the below listed distributors/manufacturers/ for Mineral oil and ask for prices, package standards and transport probability Our registered distributors will help you to get all necessary information and product specifications.
Mineral oil is any of various colorless, odorless, light mixtures of higher alkanes from a mineral source, particularly a distillate of petroleum.
The name mineral oil by itself is imprecise, having been used for many specific oils over the past few centuries. Other names, similarly imprecise, include white oil, paraffin oil, liquid paraffin (a highly refined medical grade), paraffinum liquidum (Latin), and liquid petroleum. Baby oil is a perfumed mineral oil.
Most often, mineral oil is a liquid by-product of refining crude oil to make gasoline and other petroleum products. This type of mineral oil is a transparent, colorless oil, composed mainly of alkanes and cycloalkanes, related to petroleum jelly. It has a density of around 0.8 g/cm
Other uses
Applying mineral oil to a butcher block counter top
Mineral oil's ubiquity has led to its use in some niche applications as well. It is used for treating and preserving wooden butcher block counter tops.[ It is recommended by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine for use as a fertility-preserving vaginal lubrication. The degrading effect of oils on latex condoms should be borne in mind.
Mineral oil is commonly used to create a "wear" effect on new clay poker chips, which can otherwise be accomplished only through prolonged use. Either the chips are placed in mineral oil (and left there for a short period of time) or the oil is applied to each chip individually, then the chip is rubbed clean. This removes any chalky residue left over from manufacture, and also improves the look and "feel" of the chips.
It is used as the principal fuel in some types of gel-type scented candles.
It is used for cooling, for example liquid submersion cooling of components in some custom-built computers. Veterinarian-grade mineral oil is an inexpensive source for mineral oil and is frequently used by amateur radio operators as coolant in RF dummy loads. Mineral oil is typically used as the insulating and cooling fluid in large electrical equipment such as transformers.
Mineral oil is used as a brake fluid in some cars and bicycle disc brakes.
It is used for polishing alabaster in stonework and lubricating and cleaning pocket knives or food handling tools that use an open bearing, thus needing periodic lubrication. Light mineral oil (paraffinum perliquidum) is used as a honing oil when sharpening edge tools (such as chisels) on abrasive oil stones. Mineral oil USP or light mineral oil can be used as an anti-rust agent for blades.
It is an inexpensive alternative for storing reactive metals (lithium, sodium, etc.).
Horticultural oil is often made of a combination of mineral oil and detergent. It is sprayed on plants to control scale, aphid and other pest populations by suffocation.
It is used to overlay polymerase chain reactions in biotechnology to prevent loss of water during heating cycles. It is often used to suspend crystals for use in X-ray crystallography.
It is used as a transparent collision material for reactions in particle physics, as in the MiniBooNE neutrino oscillation experiment.
As a relatively low heat combustible with no flavor or odor, mineral oil can be used in firebreathing and firedancing, but there is an inherent risk of injury.
Paraffin oil is also commonly being used to fill Galileo thermometers. Due to paraffin oil's freezing temp being lower than water (approx. 24 °F or −4 °C), this makes them less susceptible to freezing during shipment or when temporarily being stored in a non-climate-controlled environment.
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